Sunday, June 6, 2010

Iymmmz so sorrrry:( more posts will be occuring from now on.

COPIES!!!!!! theres still plenty left, contact jackson and buy one, or buy one at your local BOOARroomMMM
MIke the HobbiT has a good/bad habit of landing tricks then eating major shit right after
Captiiin Motherflucking COOOOOOWWWW!!!!
JDUB and Machone got that brotherly love thaaang going on, no homo
Chyeaaaah San Fran, coolest dude i know from cali
take your computer to a got damn mirror
Cole (ponyboy) barber! we need to skate again mother =bugger
REanactment through photoshop: JD: i hate fuddddge for no reason Zach: AAAAAh leave me alone meany head!!
My garage is doper than nothing!!!
If i was a girl, id be fat.....and emo.......and lonely.....and not so attractive. oh well:)
I guess all the youngsters nowadays do picturgraphs like these!!!
$$$$$$ FuggEEE iz dAAA k000Les Kayt on Da BLokkkkkkk $$$$$$
Ricky fox gets down on below zero degree crokkiesssss!
I steeeell want to skate theees got damn pooool, who down???!!!!!!!
Tom rolling on dem 24s yadameaaaaaan, rolling mad fat
MR. Gaaas Monneeey is losing his lunch suppliers everyday, still gots jackson on a deathhold though hhahhaah
CHyeeaaah Adriaannnooo, The Buttt Raggging Baffoooooon, gets himseeelf his 1st handraiilll, truck statusssss:DDDDDDD
Tom eating shit
I guessss when i get to drinking my eyes start to crosssssssss
SSAAntaaaaa FFFeee, has more homos per capita than like San Francisco
Hmmm i could be a lot of animals, worm, Beaver, ostrich, worm
AAAAH adreeeaaan es soooo cuttttteee <3
Jackkkssson gets more and more artsiiiiiii RRR everyday
Futuristic TVVVV, fight club and shiaaat
Justt summm artsy shitttt
COollle is a straight roman, battling the spartan rail...
Brian duznt give a fukkkkkkkk
FEeebs 180 by the El paso Bandito himself, the same day he broke his ankle
Rock n Rollll, Indian schooool mutherfluckkkerzzz:) again sorry for the long overdued wait, im lazy assss fuck

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