ALrighty!!! here we go! okay so we ALLLL met up urdy early in the morning and all pretty stoked to just get the hell out of albuquerque!!! we had no idea what to expect but we were hyped and it was fun! we definitaly didnt get what we expected haha DAY 1

oh GAWSH!!!! GAred (hates his life) was the only one that jumped on this beauty. i think he fell really hard though haha which bummed the rest of his trip out .GERD= softboy

while we were out there we met up with some el paso fools and these guys ripped so hard!!! i didnt know good things came out of shit places

im gay..... i really am (with justin)

Ro@D to T3X@$$$$$$

JUSTIN you are the DefINItion of a HOMOsexual! you emo GURL!!! JKHJKJKJKJKJKJKJK

YOUr soooooOOOO COool JUSTIN!!!!!!! jkjk this photos ight.. shit i guess

this photos a little ironic, you may think this pictures very important (because justin thinks everything HE takes a photo of is @rt) but it AINT! we honestly didnt run into any cops and barley saw any

(before he hated his life) GAWEDDDD!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH your crazy

now he hates it uummmuhmmmm definitaly

COOOOL jusTIN! swigggGGALly lights!!! fuckin genius!!!!!!!!


Oh shit PalMTR33 was getting a little craZy! he was rippin the FUck out of everything!!!! i think some kids even wanted his autograph!!! but it sucks, he got super sick and my grandma had to bring him back to life! it was some crazy shit.. (SIck clip on its way)

dont sTOP!!!!!! ah you suck

JD tigerBALM killed everything!!! nd !$ PRO at showing M3 how shit is sapposed to be done

oh yeah!!! i was there too

i love MEN

J.D. obviously loves the other side!!


GAREd (wore his nice shirt that day)

YES.... there everywhere

OMG!!!!! we MUSt go oback!!! this was a little to good to be true... everyone got a banger on this shit

DAYUM!!!!! Alex was the chillest on on the trip!!! we all ove him he gets all of us SSOOOO hyped!!! YAY

OH fuck

even though he's weird..... he is human

OOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEE he got fucked on that one


DAYUm handrails everywhere!!!!

TURNTURN!!!!!!! ripped the whole trip

Blue EYEd Devil fuckin was rippin when we got there!!!!! Nollie 5-0ig NBD (no big deal)

ME! watching a movie!!! on JUSTINS I(indie)MAC

thats right, do it all night.



nick was being a fuck NUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
t@nks fer DRiVinGs u$$$$!!!

i got mad at Justin for being so artsy that i picked this car in in the sketchy ass town and through the wall

while in TorC: Gared was harased by some red neck and was told not to piss on some dudes car.. wierd

while in TorC: 2 FRAJOS after justin while justin was getting his INDIE on some guy got super mad at him and threatened to shuv justin's camera up his little white ass!!!!! haha its good to be home!! WE love EP but D@ 500H!5 we definitaly would rather be in
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