GAwed Wierdoza was tryin this siiiiiack hardflip! but never got it, he landed it and rolled all the way down but he hit a rock and jack didnt count it... ZACK Phudge! throws a wink at the dog walking by.. who knows why? hes got a thing for weiners ;)
oooo your fuckin artsy JUSTIN!! bitch
NICKs DaD!!!!! oh shyyyyt! better put that cig out! (Old man of the day)
haha everyone told me zach went off roading for the first... 5 minutes later his mom called and grounded him..
rep it fool! NikeSBZZZz and long boards all day!!! (longboarder of the day)
zach, running away from his mom calling tellling him to get homw for dinner
hey didnt the RVCA guys take a picture here!!! :D leo was der duuuuuude my mom grounded me :/ mom i already told you!!!! i already folded my socks and cleaned the pantry >:/ jeez the pee stains arent my job this week!!! jack!!! get yer ass off that thang and get to editing :D onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href=""> fact: fudge isnt allowed out past 4 p.m. fagg,,,, moving on mikes a hobbit, nuf said a stonedddddd hobbit!! huhu of course he yelled "ey bitch!!!" "im in collage :)" ouch fudge you alright... im sure your mom has some band-aids haha oooooo justin!! your to good BLAZE ONE!!! sUper hobbit weed sayan pose!!! thats how vaginas look inside must say, this is so siiiiiiiiiiick!!!! fuck yeah! dead bitch! ok we get it JUSTIN!!! ESPN fuck alex just wait till you see how he did this!!!! garentee you'll shit your pants hoes :::::)))))))
no i used the "college boy" line at that park, this time i said " if the shocker dont rock her spock her". ya fuckin liars =D