Im so hot, you can spot a peice of burger between my lips

alex is alright too, he told me why

I landed approximately 400 tricks but got only zero on film, and then got us all arrrsted, this too long

i call it the sizzle stick

jackson got the sickessst front gril on the building.


one of the 300 or 40 tricks



Lui pediatrition

dippin dotzz


Zach Fudj

i fall back down but i get up again

nigga king in da hoodfor firewood

Im a sexy man even do i aint africaaan

dont give me none o dat poop cream

jackson has youth angst and listens to "Bring me the Horizon"

I Told you i dont want none!

Baby Phat LEEENNZ dog

Fudge works at calvary on saturday and dions on funday! YAaaAA

Jackson going mobile

stationary sit down flip

Jackson hit his weener on the rail while filming

Fudge jamming to creeds ,"With arms wide open"

Creed empowerd his spirit

Mike is hoootbit

too many trickz

tom couldnt handle doing the rest of the captions so i st3pp3d in

Machoner boner all lifted and chiiiit

HMM see-through pants is all the rage

Fudge looks like a myspace chick right hurrrrrr

Trifecta flip uno under the bum bridge o' lights

Tre Flip dos with fudge lurking in da lights

Now this is a facebook fudge, get on it mutha fudger

Jackson always complains how i put retarted pictures of him, heres an okay one jacky poo

W3$T $1D3 HOLMES, we go honk our horns downtown urr night yadadamean

Saturday nights downtown under the bridge is some sketchy biness, but it has some cool lights

asian invasion by the persuasion asian from the asian nation of christ almighty
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