So 6 months ago the plan was to go to phoenix for spring break about 2 weeks ago it turned into el paso then nothing, FUCK IT lets go to santa fe. Shit was so tight, skate the gnarliest skateparks with the coolest locals, then went to santa fe high school then went home, which is cibola!

Yeah jackson is always the first picture, because hes the fucking dopppest! BABY INDIAN

My nickname dubbed by gerad is big dick hairy man, i guess i like it:]

His nickname is H3@D H0NCH0!!!! hes so stoked to be on the road trip

YOU jackson casey looking, red light running, ladies man SCHMUCK!

Just some random passerby landscape artsy farsty stuuffsss

This is maaa niggga ELROY! liu yo going to look like this man one day

Mad ass bums in santa fe, but anything helps so says this guy!

First stop: downtown park and adrian starts the ghetto sesh off with a front fiveerrr

I swear this park was built in the 70s, jacksonian puts money downn on it!!!!

CHOO know ebk till the day i die, nose stall revssss furrrlifeeeee

DAMN STEE DAMN STEE DAMN STEE gerad front 50s beautifully

TAILSLIDE holmes by my favorite sk8er adrian meza hehehe:]

Thats how we doooo, single filed line bitches!

Gerad was bugging us so we turned him into a lego keychain, thatll teach his ass!!!>:]

Then went to a even ghettoer park but was the sickest shit ive been to in awhile! graffiti everywhere, gnarly ass transition, and everything skated to the core!

Nick getting his drop in ooooon! yo kenny anderson faaaawk

This is about as artsy as adrian will let himself be apart of, adrian was digging this park!

DAAAMN the locals were fucking killing it, no joke i give them mad respect for being able to rip that park

Mike on the other hand put this parl on lockdown, i think he gained everyones respect, mike fucking kills it!!!!!! get with it or get out haha

Gerads right! this would be a sick picture without the lurks in the back

Adrian shuold have his name changed to schmitty cause these THANGS are stee as fucccck

adrian can crook up this shit no problem

But gerad can do it through poles:) daaaamn though, gerad fell at one point and got the air knowcked out of him, so craasssssy

JACKSON skates SO creative I swear! pretty cool home made es stencil hahaha

Brief jerk sessions are always a must with adrian on middle name meza:)

Oh yeah jackson can back 5-0 back 180 out this shit no problem too, to fucking good for only being in 9th grade

mike showing his CALVARY through diiisss early grabbbb melon. rep dat JESSSUS, actually nah SAAAAATTTAAAAAN MOTHER FUGGGERS:}

God the littlest guy was going so biiig, some benihana shit first try!

i dont even know what you call this grab, a japan maybe??? but it was fucking tight!

oh and mike back 180 the craziest pyramid ive seeen probably ever. The whole skatepark went nuts when he landed this haha

Theres me standing all awkward! playing some skate waiting for the cool ass black security guard who told us to wait 30 minutes for him to leave so we could skate the high school. fact: black people are the coolest security guards

Just a 5050 180 out on the out ledge, shit was definitely intimidating though, all a mind game though

Myself being all hyphy and shit, adrian is the best photographer i know:)

Tom was the first person to step to this shit, niggggga just went for IT. THOMAS ass CAPTAIN COW!!!!!!!!!

LOOK AT adrian getting all artsy on my camera, shit got so sticky towards the end of the sesh, just mad chucks to the bottom. the ledge was probably about 6 feet tall, maybe a little less

You only see these types of sunsets in new mexico, ganked on jackons fooooty. overall today was a success. ill probably remember it for quite awhile:]