Saturday, July 31, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
the damage done!/1
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
grease wizards eating street trash love berries that burn, side 8

stone cold steve austin.. leave him alone!! who cares if he crys!!! he's still a baby
HmmMMmm fuck!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
PhoUNG And ME GeTttTTTin W3iRd!

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Disregard that last posts title, THIS IS THE BEST BLOGSPOT IN AMERICA!!!!!!!!

NICKy POOHHH :D we all miss ya bud! especially j.d. and i, he's got some major female problems and i, well i just miss your damn RIDES!!! no one else misses you though...

JAKIE POOOH :D okay 6 bucks says Zachary Fudge is gonna order a pair of converse 3d shades only because jack did haha

if you look real close (behind all the art) you'll be able to see mr. garcia and his new hurcut! still rips harder than you fart :)

Ricky foX SPOT!!! tom was real sad when we found it was skate stopped

as you can see in this second angle... tom went to london and came back gay :)

JACKIE poop love his MODEST MOUSE SHIRT!!! to bad he's taking it off :/ thanks kid in the back!!
im so bored
WHAT! there was a way better one of this trick but justin always makes people sad by posting the worst ones of everyone
Bong's 100% part of our family now :) we've made it official
fuck you
GERRY!!! :D favorite person to pretend i hate
also the scariest person to watch skate because he likes to slam his face on front shuvs. SICK!
COlEn loves Haylee and LUUUUVS cowboy hats!
Bitccch niggga iz trying to jack my whip. fuccccck dat shittt! -justin
(sail's is bettter than everyones)
thhis is what huffin paint looks like! ARTSY!! actually really sick though :)
p-rod kickfliped itWHOOOOO! BABBBBBBY BOIIIII:)
nollie flip 5-0 switch crook kick flip out.. clean
This was SOOO sick Jerry! wish you woulda got it!!! but we were ALMOST late to modest mouse for this :D anything for jerry
modest mouse shirt again