OHHHHHHH shit!!!!! so friday was when it all went down! so many people showed up it was nuts!!!! there was actually 2 showings because we couldnt fit everyone haha !!! SO SICK!!!! i love jackson., and judes (still owes me a monster.. i hope you see this JUDE!!!!) so much fun!! i love everyone that went !!!! and psssssssssst... i herd johnny layton was der!!! haha like or reals :D

OOOOOOOooooo justin got his artsy on for this on!! but i think it looks a little emo... but thats just me.. FUCK IT!!
i wasnt der for dis one but i saw a seq.! this fuckers all good and shit!!! Daniel McMan in case you didnt know by now.. yeah the garage rail guy

QUUUEEEEER!!!! (i hate ;you justIN!!!!!)

Damn cole was probably as stoked as me!!!!!!! he got second at the JLAHMES competition!!

Fog... is disgusted by now.. fong kept asking me why we were at BoardRoom haha

FUDGE!!! him mom let him out of the kennel

JEEEEEEERD 40.....l and TIKI BARBER where is the house!!!

nik thinks hes cool, but he aint!!!! :O


OOOO this is goood!!! NARLIa.. what is there to day about him!!?!?! did you see his part?!?!?!!? fuck.

OWWWWE!! damn where soooo gay!!!

arrtt justin... art

oh fuck!!!! that fucker was there???!?!?!?!?! siiiick


Monroe lurks, nollie heel, front b kick out, harddick?

OH stop it COLE! :)

oh shit.. i cant talk S**** on the big little man!!!

oh there he is.... mr. nothing special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he made it??

TIKI!!! 2nd showing line???

DAMN Jacob Johnson?? hes all good and shit!!!! tight

never fails




goldchain??? fuck yeah!


oh shit!! fastforward to sunday!!! BEst trick comp on the sturrrs!! gash damn

WINNER!!!!! so good david so good..







CMMMIN UP!!! so sick