Jackson pulling front boards first five minutes

anyways we left picked up adrian then ricky then we went to the first spot of the dayy

Kenny G String nosegrind something out, check it in the friends section in "nothing special"
Some random lurks...lurking, nah tom, adrian and nick kicking back

Next spot was some random ass apartments, it was cold as fuck, adrian knows

Alex coming up with a loong 50-50, he did something crazy after, your just going to have to wait till february to see it:)
LURK OF THE DAY, he was cool but still LURK

Sorry but youll never know where this is, and if you do, dont leak it, alex crooooked

Jd, kenny, and ricky keeping it real!

random fact:"the mexican hat" dance is the official dance of mexico
random fact about adrian: he has no middle name, even on his birth certificate

Kenny has got mad fucking pop, photo:adrian meza

Brian Jackson nose bonks a nipple high trash can, crazy.photo: adrian meza,,,,
overall it was a good weekend for everyone, watch out for jacksons promo coming out some for nothing special